Monday, November 28, 2016

Hibana and Blackbeard Sitting in a Tree, Shooting everything that Blackbeard can see.

With the release of the new Japanese operators Hibana and echo the game has been changed drastically.  However as of now most don't know how to use Hibana in the correct war to optimize on how she is used.  For this segment i want to express a very reliable style of play that can be  used along with Blackbeard on the map Favelas.  I will do so in this clip.
Thanks for reading and have a great day.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Patch 4.2

With the release of the 4.2 update rainbow six siege has changed significantly.  With the introduction of claymore roaming will be cut down significantly.  When they claymore is destroyed it explodes with a very loud sound that alerts the attacker that you are in the area.  If it is not destroyed the defender will set of the claymore which will either kill the defender or injure them.

The whole point of the game was to be a breach and clear and this update really help put that back into the game.  It forces players to play the objective and use longer range weapons rather than short ranged shotguns.

Twitch got a buff as well she now has two shock drones now, each with extended shock range. One drown will now be deployed at the beginning of the match.  Giving the user a chance to cripple the defense before the game is begun.  It can now take out jammers and shock wires before the round even starts.

Black beard has officially been turned of form being god like.  His shield finally breaks after roughly forty hits with an automatic weapon, and breaks with only three to five hits from a shotgun from medium range .  At close range it can break form one to two hits from a shotgun.

The final operator to get a buff is Doc.  His steam pistol can now heal himself and other players around him.  This is a game changer since now a defensive players can now be healed after taking heavy fire from the enemy.  He also can over heal which is the same as a power up in other games. It gives the receiver a extra boost of  health to withstand a little bit more damage than normally.

Personally myself and other gamers that I work with have a love and hate relationship with the update.  It makes it super hard to roam which has been our M.O for the longest time.   Now on defense we have to change our approach to the game.  However on offense it has saved our lives more than once with the addition of claymores.  However all one has to do to get around a claymore is wait for the enemy team to engage your team and while bullets and gun are going off destroy the claymore.  The explosion is muffled in the the sound of gun fire.

While the addition itself is not overall unbearable the one character that is causing an uproar is Thermite.  His job is to get the team into a room or building.  However with the new update he is given a claymore and smoke grenades.  the claymore isn't bad however the smoke grenades are pointless for him.  He's not fast enough to out run the smoke screen.  Prior this update he had breaching charges which helped a great deal when it came to  getting into places.  The community would much rather see the breaching charge put back into play with him.  

Monday, September 12, 2016

Thatcher (House Edition)

 Mike Baker A.K.A Thatcher is a fifty five year old male from Bideford, England.  Before recruitment into the rainbow six program he served time in the British Army Parachute Regiment, SAS Bravo Two Zero, and as the SAS Warrant Officer Class 1.

Thatcher is another support class.  With his E.M.P grenades, he clears out all electronic gadgets.  He has medium armor and speed.  He comes with the AR33, L85A2, M590A1,  and the P226 Mk 25.  He also has the option of carrying along breaching charges or stun grenades.

For House he is almost a must have since  one section of house  is easily fortified with devices called (anti Thermite) (an electronic devise that hinders or stops Thermite from destroying a wall.)  With his ability to destroy the devices hindering Thermite he becomes  great help in places such as garage on this map.  In other places such as master bed room or any OBJ upstairs all he has to do is drop a E.M.P on the roof to take out most devices below.  While there are plenty ways to destroy devices without him, he is a great asset to have on your squad.

Please comment below if you have any questions.

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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sledge (House Edition)

Seamus Cowden, more commonly known as Sledge is a thirty four year old male from John O'Groats, Scotland.  Cowden was born April 2, 1982.  Cowden was recruited into the SAS 2000 just five years after enlisting in the army.  Coweden served in the 3rd (UK) Division prior his recruitment.

Sledge is a medium armor operator, with medium speed.  For those looking for a support attack class this is a great operator for you.  His perk or special ability is his breaching hammer which gives the user the ability to break through non barricaded walls creating holes for you and your teammates to either pass or shoot through.  Sledge's weapons include a M590A1 12 gauge pump action shotgun, L85A2 assault rifle, P226 Mk 25 9mm handgun, and a SMG-11 9mm sub-machine gun.  He can either carry a choice of frag grenades or stun grenades.  The standard load-out used for Sledge would be a L85A2 with the SMG-11 with grenades.  Of course one is given the free will to pick and choose weapons depending on the users preference and skill set.

Sledge is not a very popular choice for House. It is not a very destructible map which means that there a very few places to use his breaching hammer. The few places that are able to breached are normally barricaded leaving less places for sledge to breach in that are relevant to the objective. He is a helpful support when your team wants to enter into other area of the map not related to the objective (OBJ).  Say the OBJ is in the master bedroom one could use sledge to enter in the garage and make your way ground up.  However there are other players that are capable of breaching walls more efficiently than sledge can.

Sledge's hammer breaches a hole in a wall that's normally big enough for a player to hurtle over or crouch under.  While a breaching charge (Sledge does not have these) destroys an entire wall panel which allows a player to walk through the wall without taking the time to crouch or vault over.   This fact alone makes him an unpopular pick for house for ranked play.

If you have any questions on the use of Sledge on House please comment below.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Welcome to the world of Rainbow Six Siege.  

For those who don't know what Rainbow Six is, it is a first person tactical shooter which consist of a five v five death match with three game mode types: bomb, hostage, and secure area.  There are currently twenty six operators : Smoke, Thermite, Mute, Blitz, Montagne, Twitch, Rook, Doc, Pulse, Castle, Caveira, Blackbeard, Capitao, Valkyrie, Frost, Buck, IQ, Ash, Tachanka, Thatcher, Glaz, Fuze, Jager, Kapkan, Bandit, Sledge.  The game provides three game modes, Causal, Ranked, and Terrorist hunt.   R6 has thirteen maps to play which include: House, Hereford base, Oregon, Border, Presidential Plane, Kafe Dostoyevsky, Favelas, Clubhouse, Chalet, Yacht,  Kanal, Bank, and Consulate.  

The rest of these blogs will explore different tricks presented by each operator on various maps.  There will be no glitches explored on this page do to the fact that cheating is not fun for anybody and Ubisoft is cracking down hard on cheaters.  If you encounter any cheaters please report them immediately.  

 If you have any questions or want to me to discuss any operator or update specifically please comment below.